Thursday 2 January 2014

Goals for 2014!

For me New Year's Resolutions often don't last longer than a few weeks and most likely by the end of January despite my best intentions my resolutions have fallen away. This year however I'm not going to have resolutions as such but more goals for the year. I know that there are no shortage of New Year's Resolutions/Goals blog posts at the moment and I know there's nothing groundbreaking about my goals, but I really just wanted to write down and share my goals in order to help motivate me, so here you are:

1. Become a runner - I tried to get into running a few times and last year I made a real effort, but after not being very well and it taking me a fair while to get better I really lost my motivation and running confidence. I have the best of intentions, but now I just really need to do something about it. It's not just about running, this goal encompasses all things healthy really and making healthier choices including eating well, drinking lots of water and stabilising my diabetes. I'll be starting with the NHS couch to 5K and will take it from there....I'll let you know how I get on.

2. Shop less and save more - Recently I have made a big effort to declutter and through the decluttering process I have come to realise just how much stuff I have, whether it be clothes which I haven't yet worn or my stash of beauty products and toiletries and it's got to the point where I think enough is enough as the clutter has been getting me down. So for now I have resolved to really cut back on my spending and instead 'shop my stash and closet'. I really want to use up and get more use out of the products and things I already have and I'm hoping it'll help me declutter too. Expect more finished products posts from me. 

3. Get organised - You will have seen from my Frankie Press Journal post that one of my big goals is to get organised. This is a goal for all areas of my life....get more organised with blogging and social media, get more organised with planning meals and healthy eating and making time to exercise. I think being more organised will really make a difference on a day to day level and me feeling less stressed.

4. Read more - I love reading but lately I've just not been reading as much as I once used to and I have sooo many books I want to get through so I'm setting myself the goal of reading at least 2 books a month, which I think should be more than achievable. I'm also thinking of joining a book group to help me with my goal.

5. Try new things - Whether it be to wear more colour and not just black, try new places in London and go somewhere new in the World, join a book group or even play around with the many nail varnish colours I have and just have fun being more creative, I really want to continue trying and doing new things in 2014......I'm really excited about the things to come!

What are your goals and resolutions with 2014?

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