If you've caught up with my goals for 2017, you'll know like many people come January, I've set myself some health and fitness goals to achieve this year. The irony is though I don't feel very much like a warrior right now as I'm sat here with an awful cold as I write this. Suffice to say the first week of January 2017, has not been a very active one, unless you count lying on the sofa catching up with Elementary re-runs while dosed up on Sudafed as being active.
I have to confess I am feeling a bit frustrated right now. My new gym gear is ready and waiting and I really want to be getting on with my fitness goals, but I know it's really important for me to rest fully right now, eat well and get better. So my fitness goals for January are pretty simple, but hopefully achievable: to look after myself, start running again regularly with dates in the diary that I stick to and to head back to Pscyle.
I've already started to make changes to my diet and make sure I'm eating healthier, having this cold kinda forced my hand with that one. Now December is out of the way I've been enjoying getting back into cooking with recipes such as homemade spinach and lentil soup, grilled fish with cous cous and roasted veg and generally upping my intake of cfruit and veg. If you follow my Instagram stories, you may have seen I'm now a proud owner of a NUTRiBULLET and that's really been helping with the healthier changes too.
One of my fitness goals for this year is to become stronger. I'm not worrying about losing weight, but focusing on my health so I can be strong from inside out. A little while ago I discovered Zanna through Instagram and her account has been amazing at myth busting a lot of weight training dos and don'ts for me. I'd always felt a bit intimidated when it came to weights and the gym, I didn't really know what to do and all the information and advice out there felt quite overwhelming, but Zanna has made it accessible and her book STRONG
is ideal in giving a starting point to beginners like me. The book is crammed with fitness information, workouts for various levels and recipes, so for once I actually feel excited about heading to the gym and getting on with my workout!
To keep me motivated with a fitness goal, I know the best thing for me is to mix it up when it comes to exercise, so along with heading back to Pscyle & starting over again with running and yoga. I'd also like to try something new like Body Pump to add more resistance training into my routine.
For now though, I think it's time to curl back up on the sofa with a cuppa and Netflix and wait for this cold to go!
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